Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Father's Intuition

I awoke early on Sunday morning, headed to the bathroom...Hubby wakes up, comes into the bathroom."We'll Honey," he said,  as I sat on the toilet.  He's holding a CVS bag filled with fertility, ovulation and maternity test...prompting me, "they had a sale so I picked up a few."  It's too early to argue...but I thought to myself- what man happens get caught up in a sale on the women's fertility testing isle?  Without any hesitation,  I bantered, "Do you expect to PASS or FAIL."

We've been here before, so historically - the test is a matter of announcing to me rather than confirming to him.

I think to myself,  May 20st was my drop date, three days late...Could it be?

I position myself comfortably seated, awaiting the results..."We'll?"

I know the look, "Come On, Are we pregnant?"  He shows me the test, "There's suppose to be two lines." He said, as he handed me the applicator...

Nothing out of the ordinary...however he's pretty confident that they'll be a new addition to the Bercier Family some time next year...

Call it a Father's intuition...To be continued...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Mother's Cry

"Lord, help me to accept my own limitations," revised from original written May 6, 2010

Lord, I thank you for every seed you've given me. It was your doing, because only You are the giver of life. You miraculously developed them while they were hidden inside the womb. Tucked away in the folds of what seemingly appeared to be the gain of my own flesh. I know that I am simply your willing vessel to bear, love and train them to be what you designed them to be. It's overwhelming to consider these delicate souls must be introduced to the very one responsible for their existence. Yes, I've been gifted to be called "Mother," but graced to be called a virtuous daughter of the Most High God.

I thank you for this charge - the burden which brings pain and discomfort yet also, exceeding joy. Help me not to take my mission for granted, that I not abort Your plan to discover my own. Father sever the ties that confine me and hinder me from excelling in every area that you have ordained. Dispel every myth and lie that society conveys and teach me how to instruct with loving kindness, grace, mercy, patience and long suffering.

Your children need Your touch, and Your words are bread to them. Your hand has provided for me, when all I desired was to be forgiven- covered and protected, give me these things so that I can then do the same for your children-- these you have set in my care until the appointed time when you shall call them by name.

Remind me of your order daily so that when I stumble, I never stray from your plan. Lord it is You who has grounded me and given me a content heart. Help me to not seek my children to return what you've already supplied. Continue to strengthen our home to be Christ-focus and not our personal tabernacle.

These children are your heritage. I need you, Holy Spirit to guide me, use my hands to shape and mold their conscience so that they fear and reverence you. I am grateful that you see fit for them to discover their godly parentage early for you said those that seek you early shall find you. Lord help me to see them as you do so that I am careful not to curse them with my mouth.

I cancel every evil word that I have spoken in spirit, written or verbalized that would cause harm or abuse to your children. Lord sever any ungodly expectation, practice or unfruitful ritual that I and my husband have adopted and replace it with Your standard. I cast down every vain imagination, motherly pride and self righteousness and give You all the Praise and Glory for the rewards of having obedient children with undisturbed composure. I thank you for wiping away the bitterness of my failed attempts of mothering out of my flesh and given me the sweetness of being perched beneath your wings as I labor in love.

Help me to accept my own limitation, idiosyncrasies and weaknesses and trust that you will be the God- from their mother's womb. Thank you that we have no lack- for you are our unlimited resource and will always provide for us all, our sons and daughters and generations to come.

You have been ever faithful and just to supply all of their needs according to your riches and glory. I thank you Lord that you have given me a mother that far exceeds others and I trust that you will minister to her heart, even now. Allow her to trust you as you instruct her on how to be that God-fearing mother who demonstrates your statues to me and my siblings. You never cease to provide me with support through her wisdom and guidance as she supports us in raising your children.

Father, I give thanks to YOU for without YOU I could not succeed in parenting. I know private success with you is worth more that public success in the world at the expense of private failure as a mother. So this Mother's Day my desire is that You delight yourself in me, that I may be a living demonstration of diligence guided with Your faithfulness.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

-a servant's heart

Disclaimer. A servant's utterance is copyright protected (c) 2011 a servant's heart and the information contained expresses personal views and values of a servant’s heart. The passage in its entirely may be forwarded or linked without consequence however, for any non-personal excerpt for print or publication should request consent from a servant's heart prior to use.